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Your Brand Therapist

In any brand or business, it's challenging to see things from the perspective of a consumer or investor. You have context and a clear understanding of your goals, but are these things effectively communicated to outsiders? Let me help you view your brand through their eyes, ensuring your message is clear and your pitches are impactful.

How can I help you thrive?

As a Consultant specializing in Brand Strategy and Messaging, I play a pivotal role in ensuring that your brand is perceived exactly as you intend. My expertise extends across Digital Marketing, Branding, Pitch Development, and Public Speaking Coaching. I build on strategies that encompass everything from the foundational brand message to detailed pitch decks and engaging elevator pitches, ensuring your success in any environment.

My role has often been described as that of a Brand Therapist, where I engage closely with clients to brainstorm innovative ideas, offer alternative perspectives, and identify gaps in their business strategy. This process involves playing devil's advocate to challenge existing assumptions and foster a deeper understanding of the brand’s potential and its market challenges. 

How else can I assist you in achieving success

Allow me to solve all your problems. Partnering with me and my team means gaining access to exclusive tools and resources. I am here to assist you in overcoming any challenge you're facing, bringing in the right experts when necessary to ensure flawless execution and exceptional results.

I work as the thread that ties your personal and professional lives together. Partnering with me means having a dedicated ally in your corner, one who brings a comprehensive understanding of both the subtleties of brand dynamics and the complexities of investor relations. This dual focus allows us to position your brand optimally for both market and financial success.

If securing funding is your ultimate goal, I have specialized resources to guide and support you on this journey. I will ensure that you're well-educated and fully prepared to make informed decisions and engage in these critical conversations with confidence.

Who do we help?

◦ Entrepreneurs
◦ Brands
◦ Creatives
◦ Service providers
◦ Multi disciplinary artist
◦ Founders

At Elite Creatives Management, we understand that each brand is unique, and we tailor our services to meet your specific needs. We're committed to fostering a collaborative and supportive relationship, providing personalized attention to every brand we represent.


We have tailored courses to help creatives, service providers and artist build their brand into a business.


For long term engagement options view our memberships.

Brand Assessment - $333

• Pre Strategy Call (30 min): Before diving into your needs assessment, we’ll schedule a 30 min phone call to understand your goals, challenges, and unique brand identity.
•Thorough Brand Assessment: Our team of experienced consultants will conduct an in-depth analysis of your brand, evaluating your messaging and digital presence. You’ll receive a full report that highlights areas for improvement and growth.
•Post Assessment Action Plan Call (1 Hour): After the brand assessment, we’ll have another one-hour phone call to discuss the report and ways to move forward. We’ll provide actionable strategies to enhance your brand’s impact and resonate with your target audience.
•Customized Report: You’ll receive a detailed report summarizing the findings of the brand assessment and outlining the plan of action.

"Carli is 100% the type of person you want on your team. She is supportive, creative, thoughtful and will not only encourage you but help you figure out how to make your dreams and goals actually happen."

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